Northern Rock Loans

Get an instant online application with Northern Rock Loans in minutes.

Northern Rock Loans provide competitive unsecured personal loans fro existing and new customers.  Northern Rock provides a range of secured loans only to existing mortgage customers. Northern Rock’s main business is providing mortgages fro UK residents. With a Northern Rock personal unsecured loan you can borrow from £ 1,000 up to £ 25,000 with a fixed interest rate.  A Northern Rock personal unsecured loan can be used purchase a new car, consolidate debt, a luxury holiday or for home improvements. Within Northern Rock’s website you can compare other loan companies personal unsecured loan rates of interest and the repayment plan. Why not use the Northern Rock loan calculator to calculate your monthly loan payments based on the Northern Rock interest-rate. Apply now for a Northern Rock loan.

Things you might want to consider when applying for a Northern Rock loan.

Lending money from a bank or building society is the only option for some of us, in order to buy a car or finance home improvement in our home. When thinking about taking out an unsecured loan there are a few aspects that you should be aware of that could help you get a cheaper loan or get your personal loan application approved easier. Explore the personal loan market and find a hand full of loans that you can review and make some calculations on how much a loan is going to cost you. Don’t delve straight in and start applying for all the loans, as this will affect you credit history, only when you sure that you are happy with the selected loan should you apply for it. Look into any additional costs in the terms and conditions like late payment fees.

Apply online now for a loan with one of the UK's top finance providers.